What Your Peers Are Saying about SRI Programs
SRI Certified Providers are raving about what SRT, SRA & Laser Therapy are doing for their practices. Click on your profession below to learn more.
“ “I have a client who comes in for an hour once a week so I can work on her shoulder and keep it from going “full frozen” and help increase her range of motion. I just did SRT on her for the first time and relieved most of her pain associated with her shoulder and increased her range of motion by 50% without even touching the rotator cuff muscles! She was thrilled and amazed and said she thinks this will be “life changing” for her!” ”
"Prior to being referred to Joyce Reynolds, I suffered from chronic muscle tension for multiple years that most likely was the result of previous injuries combined with a high stress level. With car or plane trips an hour or longer, my legs, neck and shoulders would cramp and cause great discomfort. Even in a rest position, the muscles in my legs, shoulders and back were constantly so tight, they were knotted. Besides having almost constant pain, I found most outdoor activities I used to enjoy difficult and painful. I sought relief through stretching, massage, chiropractic and acupuncture. None of those mediums provided any lasting relief or improvement to my condition. After a month or two of regular massage treatments that provided only temporary relief, Joyce introduced me to SRT. I research it on-line and immediately began an SRT treatment program with Joyce.
By following the SRT treatment program recommended by Joyce, my chronic muscle tension is now gone and I am back to leading a life free of chronic pain. Most days I am now completely pain free and back to doing activities I love; skiing, biking and hiking. The body aches and pains I now get from over exertions (e.g. heavy yard work) quickly pass with rest and standard anti-inflammatory treatments without triggering me back into a place of chronic muscle tension. I now visit Joyce once a month in a maintenance program, keep up with a regular yoga regimen and I am back to living the life I enjoyed prior to my 5 year stent of fighting chronic muscle tension."
- T.P.
"I have a client who comes in for an hour once a week so I can work on her shoulder and keep it from going "full frozen" and help increase her range of motion. I just did SRT on her for the first time and relieved most of her pain associated with her shoulder and increased her range of motion by 50% without even touching the rotator cuff muscles! She was thrilled and amazed and said she thinks this will be "life changing" for her!"
"Great education, supportive process and environment. Thoroughly enjoyed the Experience!"
- S.L.G., LMT
"Wow" That is the first word out of my mouth after receiving an SRT treatment from Jennifer Sovine!... I was struck by a vehicle and nearly lost both of my legs 8 years ago and, needless to say, I have a lot of pain. Jennifer performs a miracle on me--much better pain relief than my opiate medications. I feel so good after a SRT session, I don't even need a cane for a couple of days! I highly recommend SRT for anyone suffering from chronic pain!"
- S.
"I thoroughly enjoyed the class. It was a good balance of lecture and practicum. I expect to have faster reduction of pain for my clients and more referrals as I become more adept and confident. I would recommend SRT because of the high rate of reproducible results."
- A.D., LMT
"For the first time in over four and half years I can finally say that I am pain free thanks to Spinal Reflex Therapy. While on a cross training day for a marathon I ruptured 2 discs in my lower back in October 2011, I had my first surgery at the end of December that year and was back under the knife in July of 2012. I had resigned myself to living with a constant gripping pain in my lower back ever since. After receiving just one treatment with Spinal Reflex Therapy I noticed a significant reduction in my pain and a marked improvement in back flexibility. After my third treatment I woke up totally pain free and able to touch my toes, this therapy WORKS!!!!!!!!"
- M.M
"Well presented and supported with materials. The materials are excellently produced, concise, clear and well thought out. As an educator, I understand the challenges of presenting complex concepts in a usable and understandable way. The presentation, teacher to student ratio and excellent course materials helped present the information well. The use of hands-on and great explanation helped make the technique useful. Thanks for a great piece of information."
- F.C., LMT
"To any therapist . . . I *highly* encourage you to attend! I just completed the workshop in Northern Virginia this weekend and am changing the way I practice already! My clients are thrilled with the results from just one SRT treatment and they can't wait to come back!"
-L.C.V., LMT
"Best class I have ever taken and follow-up help with this company is wonderful!"
- V.Z., CMT
"Last Week in the Bahamas was awesome, new friends and the eagerness to learn new things and to hone our skills. Learning in an environment(Beach) just makes you want more. Sharing thoughts, learning how people are growing their own business. Massage Therapist and Doctors and Physical therapist really need to get on board. My personal passion for SRT I think larger than me, I want everyone to know that there is something else out there that is going to help them with their client/patients instead of the same old thing drugs and more drugs. Also learning more about True Core was awesome and need to know more. I can go on and on. Looking forward to the Bahamas next year and possibly the Caribbean in May."
- S.F., LMT
"It is a great class. Lots of hands-on. Instructor to student ratio was great. It will help me to determine the problem easier, without trying to treat everything. It has accuracy and reproducibility. I would recommend this to anyone who does bodywork."
- K.P., LMT
"I just wanted to thank you so much for .....and third, getting rid of almost all of the chronic back pain I had. I used to joke around and say that gymnastics aged me 10-20 years, but I was just covering up the fact of all the injuries I had. After SRT treatment with you I not only have my "young" life back but I actually feel my real age. Being able to feel like I can move more freely and not be so restricted is the best feeling in the world. Thank you so much again. I really mean it. P.S. "I bow to the technique."
- R.
“Certification in Spinal Reflex Therapy is the best investment I have made in my professional career!
The training program is very complete and thorough; walking me through every step. I love that the training is both home study and hands on workshop; it’s the best of both worlds and really let me learn and integrate it quickly into my practice. The training videos were easy to use and reinforced the home study and the workshop honed my skills. With the precise treatment charts and accuracy of this system I get powerful and consistent results every time. And that’s a real confidence builder!
The best part is that my clients love SRT and my referrals and income keep growing!”
- S.F., LMT
"I am looking forward to exploring the potential of SRT on clients and friends and the opportunity to take the technique to a wider audience in the future."
- T.F., LMT
"The whole concept is great, exciting. I hope to help make a positive difference in my more challenging clients! As well as alleviating some stress on my body for a longer career."
- K.C., CMT
"After just one week, SRT has yielded fantastic results. Two examples: a man with an 'old' frozen shoulder became pain free and had full range of motion after just one SRT session and a woman who fell very badly on our ice-slippery streets on a Wednesday, received SRT on Thursday. Friday she was back at work and reported a little morning stiffness but the horrible pain was completely gone.
So I am indebted to you for giving me such a powerful, therapeutic tool."
- P.O.
"I love SRT! It has brought miracles to my practice!"
- S.F., LMT
"I have had some brilliant results this week with clients and finding it a little difficult to revert to traditional therapies. Yep, converted successfully; even worked through the technology challenge, Yeah!!!"
- L., LMT
"OMG this SRT stuff works!
I had my first client about an hour after I left class, and of course he turned out to be a professional soccer player. So I did a leg check & IPs which turned out to be C4R, treated the first few muscles on the chart, did the cervical ones too and then massaged him. He had a tight left glute and tension between the scapulas so his treatment was 1/2 SRT & 1/2 massage. I turned him over near the end to do his psoas - on the left side which is where his glute was tight. As soon as I finished he did ROM tests himself and was amazed at the lack of pain and increased ROM he had. He indicated that prior physiotherapy for the same problem was less responsive.
I have NEVER done a psoas before; I watched you yesterday and did it last night with ease and lots of confidence. And the tension in his upper back seemed to melt away more easily, nice to see the follow-on effect. He asked where the muscles attached and I was able to tell him easily. Everything just came together, and when we went to rebook he asked "what days do YOU work"
I just wanted to let you know how awesome you are Dr. Jarrell, and the student who was in tears only hours earlier because she thought she couldn't do it, has pulled it off easily."
- C.W.
"I have been busy practicing SRT to my heart’s content and I am constantly amazed by the results and comments from my patients. I recently had a patient with Achilles tendonitis, I've treated three times (out of four) with SRA and the first treatment I saw her for was Dry Needling. She’s a Personal Trainer and was competing in a competition at a Gym for 12 weeks (just finished last week)…she won a $1000 travel voucher. She said she would not have had any hope of completing the comp if she hadn't seen me for treatment and she is now a huge fan of SRT."
- L.A., RMT
"Wow! Lots of info. Measurable, obtainable results, hands-on class. Great stuff! I hope we can educate many and spread the good news."
- T.C., LMT
"The SRT work is extremely effective. I have many clients who are returning for many, many sessions who will need a lot less massage and still get great results. I am really excited about the thermoscan, it will speed up the process."
- L.S., LMT
"I loved it, couldn't wait to try on clients last night as well as tonight. The staff as well as Dr. Frank were approachable and very informative. One of the best classes I've been to."
- N.E., LMT
"Overall excellent, I like an experience that challenges my thinking, reviews my skills and ignites my passion for improving my skills. Now when I see leg lengths I’ll know why and what to consider for treatment.
I would recommend SRT to any LMT whose interests include medical and sports massage and any practitioner looking for a direction to take their work to the next level. Yall are real nice! Helpful assistants and readily available instructor!"
- M.McK., LMT
"I enjoyed the workshop tremendously. I sent an email off to AAMT last night, saying how much I enjoyed it and how it will help my work in future. Thanks again for all your hard work. All that work does not just happen by chance. It was a very well run seminar and all the computer software programming just makes me think – 'Very well done'."
- J.M.
"SRT has had such a positive impact on my own work as a massage therapist. Initial feedback from my clients has shown an interest in SRT and I am looking forward to providing you with several case studies."
- D.G., LMT
"As a massage therapist, I can see some big advantages of the SRT knowledge, and how it will assist massage therapists in a number of ways that would make it easy to promote actively to fellow colleagues and in talks to students in massage schools."
- T.F., LMT
"Great addition to my knowledge. Saw many things that apply to current patients, Also saw my own back ROM increase to more than it's been in 3 years. SRT goes far beyond the current medical trends for treatment. Results are better, faster and more encouraging."
-M.K., LMT
"Great class format. Different than most techniques. Very informative."
- Anonymous
"After attending the Austin SRT seminars, I have returned to work with a tremendous desire to share with clients, colleagues and friends the many benefits of SRT. My expectations were more than met and my passion in massage therapy has been renewed. I have suffered with chronic knee pain for 6 years resulting from an automobile accident that has limited my life in many ways. I am pleased to share that I am 70% improved after 3 SRT sessions. I am looking forward to even more improvements with future sessions.
Dr. Jarrell is an excellent teacher and spent individual time for our learning and our ability to grasp material, enabling us to return home and begin facilitating healthy changes in our patients and clients. His caring and compassion was demonstrated on special and unique individuals during the seminar which allowed us to experience the many benefits of this technique. I am truly looking forward to taking more seminars to share his knowledge and talents for SRT, which is becoming my skills and talents for my clients."
- D.G., LMT
"Dr. Jarrell - I just wanted to thank you immensely for the time you dedicated to helping me improve my skills as a therapist. I have already taken the skills you helped me to fine tune and have applied them within my clinic."
- B.D.
"Thanks again for bringing this wonderful new info to Australia. I will continue to apply it and I will certainly be in touch from time to time."
- S.W., Dip RM
"I am getting great results!"
- B.T.
"This morning, I woke up without an irritated throat which is the first time in a long time and the spot on my right sacrum that I have to dig into each morning to function without pain was not palpable. The wrist pain (that appeared in class) has disappeared. Maybe add snoring to a list of symptoms this protocol treats. Anyhoo, really got a lot out of this course and hope you have continued successes in your research."
- S.G.
"SRT is such an easy technique but very powerful. I am getting great results just with one treatment on my clients."
- K.B.
"I have used SRT on a client twice now with great results. She had lower back pain from an initial T6R reflex. Her second treatment was shoulder and upper back tightness with a T4R reflex. The client is extremely impressed."
- D.G., CMT, Dip RM
"After the treatments I had in the course, the pains that I have had reduced significantly. I went to the gym today for a circuit class and the trainer, whom I have done one-on-one training with, could not believe the changes in my performance. At this point, 5:45 PM, I have still the energy that I had this morning and I have a meeting and another two treatments to go tonight."
- L.A., RMT
"I just wanted to let you know my personal experience following the SRT workshop.
Whenever I go for a bicycle ride, each down stroke on the pedals causes a pain through my knees that dulls after about 5 minutes. Sprinting invariably also causes pain. Following exercise, climbing the stairs at home is always with difficulty.
I went for a ride a few days after the SRT workshop, and had no pain at any time during the ride or when walking up the stairs afterwards. I am delighted as the knee pain has been going on for a few years now with very little relief in other attempts to reduce the pain.
I am really keen to begin working on my eagerly awaiting "test dummies" (by their own definition!)."
- G., LMT
"I’m finding every time I practice SRT that more information sinks into my head and I can see reasons for the problems that people present with. I find the scanner as an extension of my hand now and I don’t even think twice about using my elbows!!!"
- L.A., RMT
"Dr. Frank - I thought your presentation was riveting and your neurology knowledge was outstanding. It was very refreshing to see the modesty you show with this knowledge. I was so glad to be there. I WILL BE MORE THAN HAPPY TO do a testimonial and I will be compiling a series of case studies as well. Just this week I have a young women suffering from RSD and will trial with her."
- S.H.
"Thanks for a great seminar. This makes a lot of sense as to why at times NMT will work and not work."
- S.B., LMT
"I'm still getting good results . . . which I expect anyway now. I had my first client that requested SRT this morning, she had sciatica as her only complaint today, but I treated her a couple of weeks ago with SRT for a different problem and she has been feeling the best she has ever felt for a long time soooo, she came back today to specifically have an SRT session."
- M.T., Dip RM
"I have taken the opportunity to work with a case study and have so far had two sessions to treat a knee problem. The patient had swelling and decreased range of motion before treatments. After two sessions oedema has lessened and the range of motion has increased. No longer does the patient suffer from pain walking downhill, she only occasionally feels a lateral tension on the knee, and her pain has reduced."
- B.D.
"Frank - Thanks again for coming to Perth. It was great meeting you and we all enjoyed learning from you."
- M.F., Dip RM
"I really got a lot out of the workshop and am extremely excited about SRT. I am making a plan to review the study material once more & have started scheduling some people to practice on. It was fantastic to meet you & be involved with the SRT launch into Australia!"
- B.F.
"My thanks to you for coming all this way with the SRT Training. I have done nothing but think of potential avenues for getting this information out into the world. On Monday night when I finally got to sleep all I dreamt about was letters…ASR… SRS… APT… SRA!!!"
- L.A., RMT
"I am enjoying using SRT and looking forward to getting into the more advanced material to extend the benefits of the technique."
-T.F., LMT
"SRT gives focus to a therapeutic massage session in terms of efficiency and results. It reinforces patient/client to therapist relationship by establishing a plan."
- C.L, LMT
"Exciting material, my clients will definitely benefit."
- J.F., LMT
"SRT gives focus to a therapeutic massage session in terms of efficiency and results. It reinforces patient/client to therapist relationship by establishing a plan."
- C.L., LMT
"Lot's of material to cover in two days but very interesting and well worth it."
- Anonymous
"I absolutely loved the class! It was incredibly informative. I am positive this will be beneficial to my clients."
- Anonymous
"More relief of an old injury than any other treatment / modality. Makes facilitating releases more effective."
- D.B.
"Instructor very personable and presentation easy to the ears. Staff very attentive to the needs and understanding levels of students. It has been a real pleasure having attended this session. Thank You!"
- Anonymous
"The instructors and course materials were easy to grasp due to the "down to basics" language that easily took us step by step. Great job! SRT will enable me to help my clients with pain management in a more efficient manner."
- S.J.M.
"Dr. Frank - thanks for a great workshop, for all your skill, knowledge and patience."
- N.
"The instructors were very helpful and knowledgeable in the system. Great presentation."
- Anonymous
"I feel that the information is another great tool to add to my tool box. I would definitely recommend SRT to someone who has tried other styles of treatment with no or little success. Also I appreciate the accuracy of this type of method of treatment."
- Anonymous