Important Provider Information
Use this list to find an SRA or SRT Certified Provider in your area. The following information is provided by Spinal Reflex Institute, Intl. LLC (SRI) as a service to both the providers who offer these services and to the clients and patients seeking them.
* Denotes Providers that are currently due for Re-certification. They have completed some SRA/SRT training in the past and are due to update their training and skills to a certifiable level under current SRA/SRT practices.
If there are no certified practitioners in your area, please ask your physician, therapist or health care provider to visit or call 1-970-259-5520 to learn more. For best results we recommend that you contact current SRA and SRT Certified Professional providers in your area first.
Warning! If a provider is NOT LISTED on this Website List, they are not SRI, Intl. LLC trained to the minimum listing requirement of SRA/SRT Certified Basic Provider or SRA/SRT Certified Professional, and are not competent to safely administer SRA/SRT procedures to the client or patient without potential for risk of adverse reactions or injury.
SRA and SRT Providers are required to successfully complete a minimum of Post Graduate Basic Certification through a combined 30 hour (CEC) self study program with on-line testing, case studies and hands on workshop before meeting SRI Educational Standards. As of January 1, 2015, all SRT and SRA Providers must update and renew their credentialing every 2 years through a review of new material and technology and a hands on competency workshop to maintain their SRI Certification Status.
If you do not see your name on this list you may have taken a state sponsored introductory course or exceeded your 2 year periodic renewal requirement. Please contact us at 1-970-259-5520 or email us.
Important Note for Consumers: Though all providers are listed in good faith, it is not possible for SRI to monitor and guarantee the quality of service for each given provider. We strongly recommend that, as a consumer of SRA and SRT health care services, you ask any provider you contact the following questions:
Are you SRA or SRT Basic or Professional (Advanced) Certified?
How long have you been certified?
When was your most recent re-certification completed?
Do you practice SRA or SRT daily in your office?